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Section outline

  • Module 5: Introduction to Kubernetes (1 hour)

    • Kubernetes architecture overview (Master, Nodes, Pods).
    • Kubernetes components: Deployments, Services, Namespaces.

    Module 6: Kubernetes Setup and Configuration (2 hours)

    • Installing Minikube and using kubectl.
    • Deploying and scaling applications.

    Lab Exercise: Deploy a web app and scale with Kubernetes.

    Module 7: Kubernetes Networking and Storage (2 hours)

    • Service types: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer.
    • Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims.

    Lab Exercise: Implement persistent storage and networking for containers.

    Module 8: Orchestrating Containers and Automation (2 hours)

    • ConfigMaps, Secrets, and rolling updates.
    • Helm charts for package management.

    Lab Exercise: Automating deployments with Helm and rolling updates.